Monday, November 26, 2012

Welcome To Life

Soooo I am a little nervous about working on this blog. This blog is my life story of getting pregnant my senior year, the hard ships I faced then, still go through now, and could struggle with for a while; but also how I have gotten stronger through all of it.

I am a junior in college and am just now getting comfortable talking about what I have been through. There are two reasons that I am comfortable talking about it now: I finally told my little sister who is completely against what I did and she was understanding of it and I have a professor who pulled me aside one day after I wrote a paper over cognitive dissonance of this subject and she told me her story over what she went through and it helped me knowing that I wasn't the only one out there. Because of her I am going to speak in her class over what I went through.

I am writing this so that other girls or women may know that they are not alone and that there are people out there that have gone through similar situations. I know that there are people out there that could read this and are going to be so against it that they think poorly of me but that is their choice.

I guess if people read this and decide to post comments that are nasty I will handle it because this is my choice. If that makes them feel better about who they are then again that is their choice. But to girls out there who may feel like they are alone or have nobody to turn to, if you read this and find yourself needing to talk or advice just comment with your email and I will write to you. This is going to be my way of becoming stronger, helping other girls and women, and getting information out there on all the sorts of choices we have.

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