Sunday, January 6, 2013

Forever a Statistic, Forever a Survivor.

So it is 2 in the morning here and I just got done reading a book that I had just bought today called Easy by Tammara Webber.

I am going to write another blog entry that has nothing to do with my abortion, sorry guys.

So after my abortion I dated "Paul" and he seemed like such a nice guy at first. We were together in total for just over a year. We fell for each other almost instantly and then from that minute on we couldn't be apart from each other. Well over the summer I moved in with him and his dad in minnesota so I was compeletely away from my family, that was hard. Well by this time things were rough, he'd leave bruises and marks and stuff.

Well the worst thing happened around the Fourth of July. We were sleeping in a tent in the front yard of his brothers house that way we could go to all of the festivities, well I was supposed to be at work by 7 the morning of the 4th which meant that I had to get up really early because I had a fourty-five minute commute. Well he was late coming home from his friends house, which he had been at because he was throwing a party. When he got to the tent he was drunk and through out our whole relationship he had wanted to try anal sex with me and I just wouldn't. Well I was having a hard time sleeping because of the noises so when he got home i rolled over to cuddle with him and the next thing I knew he was trying to get in my pants. He rapped me that night, anally. The next morning and even that night before he fell asleep he felt horrible. The next day I didn't go to work and he kept apologizing because I was in a lot of pain. It took me a few weeks to finally leave him but that was what made me realize that I needed to. I did finally leave. My major in college is child, adult, family services and this year I learned that it is not unnatural for a woman to take 5 to 7 attempts to leave an abusive spouse before they finally get out for good. I never told anybody about it, not even my family and I felt like nobody would believe me if I went to the cops. He now lives in a different state than me and is with a girlfriend that he has been with for over a year. It took me a while to heal but I have for the most part. I hate if anyone acts like they are going to smack my ass or grab it but that is about it.

The reason I am writing about this is because of the book I read. It was about a college girl, whose ex-boyfriends friend tried to rape her after leaving a party and how a guy saved her. For the most part the things that had to do with the rape and the after effects were pretty accurate. It is a cute love story kind of but it was still good. Those kinds of things make me a little anxious but throughout the book it talks about how she deals with it and she even goes to a self defense class. At the end of the book it also has numbers to call if you know someone or are someone that needs to talk to someone and even discussion questions. In another class this year we learned about bibliotherapy and I think if I had been someone who had done bibliotherapy this book would have helped me realize the different things I could do to get over it and to help protect myself from it happening again. I have been using bilbiotherapy techniques to help heal with the whole abortion thing but its amazing that until reading a book, that I had just picked up at a book store, not knowing what it was about would help me.

My ending note is.....

Men don't be the person girls are afraid of. To the good men, stand up, if you see a girl being abused or if you know a friend can get aggressive when drunk or sober. If it was your mother, daughter, sister, girlfriend, ect. would you want them to go through it? I think the answer to that is no.

My ending not to women...

Don't stay a victim. I did for a while but I realized that yes I am a statistic and I did nothing to have stopped it but I can help girls now. That is why I am in the major that I am in. I can talk to girls and make them realize that they are not alone. Mine might not be as bad as some but it is nice to know that you are not alone. There are things you can do to protect yourself. Take a self defense course, carry pepper spray, be aware of your surrounds, walk in pairs at night, ect.

Well that is it for me tonight.

Night all!

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